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CPD for retired registrants


This old chestnut came up yet again at our LN AGM yesterday, I just wondered if anyone - including CPD assessors - had any good suggestions of likely but perhaps not obvious CPD activities that retired members should consider claiming if asked?

The chap who started the discussion does voluntary work refurbishing old pieces of equipment for a heritage railway - which often involves him having to work out how they are supposed to work first! - and also edits a local classic car club newsletter. I assured him that he at least wouldn't have a problem! But it's interesting that he felt concerned enough to ask.



  • Roy Bowdler:
    Time spent debating the merits of The IET’s CPD policy [...] can of course be legitimately recorded as CPD.

    That is possibly the most brilliant answer that has ever been posted on any subject in the history of these forums ? That's solved that problem then!

    But more seriously, thanks for the nod about the inactive members. This is clearly not well known.




  • Roy Bowdler:
    Time spent debating the merits of The IET’s CPD policy [...] can of course be legitimately recorded as CPD.

    That is possibly the most brilliant answer that has ever been posted on any subject in the history of these forums ? That's solved that problem then!

    But more seriously, thanks for the nod about the inactive members. This is clearly not well known.



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