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Going green

The debate in another thread has shifted to the climate debate, so perhaps we should keep it separate.

Publication bias may be detected by what I think is called a funnel plot. Imagine a funnel lying on its side.

On the X-axis, you have the power of the study - high powered studies are nearer to the truth so they lie in the stem of the funnel.

On the Y-axis you have the finding of each study - whether the activity is beneficial or not. The middle of the neck of the funnel is the best estimate of the true value.

At the left of the plot, the wide bit of the funnel, lie low powered studies. Some will show that the activity is beneficial, some the reverse. So if you look at the risk of smoking, some low powered studies should have shown that it was beneficial. IIRC, studies showing that smoking was beneficial were not published. That may be because the authors chose not to submit, or editors chose not to accept.

I have no idea whether this sort of plot has been done for the climate debate, but it ought to have been.

I accept David Z's argument that the climate has warmed and cooled long before industry appeared (even on a Roman scale), but what bugs me is the doctrine that we cannot afford to get it wrong.

Does anybody here know how man-made energy compares with the amount which arrives from the sun?
  • I am surprised that you wonder at their honesty Leigh, they are presenting paperts full of scientific evidence. If you put in a bit of effort you can verify the material yourself, all the datasets are available on the net. There is a huge amount of dishonesty going on (climate emergency, Britain must shut down at once, Plant a Billion trees) and one needs to understand the facts.

    I will discuss the electricity system now, as none of the election claims are in any way deliverable. Truth has gone out of the window completely.

    The important first detail to understand is that wind and solar are both expensive and have a very low availability. Solar only works during daylight, and in the winter and particularly when it is cloudy does not provide much power and must be backed up by an immediately available fosil fueled backup, usually CC Gas Turbines. Wind only works during suitable weather, and on average produces a fraction of the rating plate output (less than 25%). This is unavoidable and can only be overcome for constant supplies by backup from the Gas turbines, and in the case of wind often less efficient immediate availability ones. Our safe grid generation capacity is probably about 45 GW maximum, assuming there are no faults anywhere in the generators. Building more capacity is expensive and takes a long time. We have now shut down all our coal plants and nearly all the nuclear, so base load generation is much less stable and reliable.

    Looking at the ideas being presentd by politicians everywhere, the answer is more electricity. This is probably because they cannot see where it comes from, so it is magic as in magic electricity tree (ref magic money trree!). Ideas to change gas boilers for heat pumps are technically possible but heating water from a heat pump is not very efficient (COE about 2) compared to air heating (COE maybe 4) so the entirity of the heating system must be changed for air conditioning, which in a home is not easy and uses more electricity for fans although this produces heat the efficiency is exactly 1 or less. Typical houses have 20kW gas boilers and there are about 20 million of them so around 400GW installed capacity. These could probably be replaced with a 5kW heat pump in most houses, or perhaps 3kW if the insulation and ventilation is improved considerably at a cost of £5-10k per house in total. Say £200 Billion and a long time to install, probably 20 years with great effort applied. Hot water heating would then need to be electric, probably another 1kW on average per house.

    This means that the grid needs to supply 3kW more than at present per house continuously, an extra 75GW! Therefore we need to add nearly 3 times as many generating stations as at present and the distribution infrastructure to go with them, including digging up every cable in towns and fitting 4 times as many. What a bonanza for contractors and a disaster for the economy. Remember that the maximum difference that this could possibly make is 0.03 degrees over the next 100 years.

    I have not even examined electric transport (another 40GW) or the ultra fast internet (another GW) or anything else. Who is crazy, or do you wish to dispute the facts which I have presented as accurately as I can. You may wish to dispute the average figures but remember there is a huge and ancient housing stock which simply cannot all be replaced, even if we had the money and time.

    David Stone CEng MIET.
  • I am surprised that you wonder at their honesty Leigh, they are presenting paperts full of scientific evidence. If you put in a bit of effort you can verify the material yourself, all the datasets are available on the net. There is a huge amount of dishonesty going on (climate emergency, Britain must shut down at once, Plant a Billion trees) and one needs to understand the facts.

    I will discuss the electricity system now, as none of the election claims are in any way deliverable. Truth has gone out of the window completely.

    The important first detail to understand is that wind and solar are both expensive and have a very low availability. Solar only works during daylight, and in the winter and particularly when it is cloudy does not provide much power and must be backed up by an immediately available fosil fueled backup, usually CC Gas Turbines. Wind only works during suitable weather, and on average produces a fraction of the rating plate output (less than 25%). This is unavoidable and can only be overcome for constant supplies by backup from the Gas turbines, and in the case of wind often less efficient immediate availability ones. Our safe grid generation capacity is probably about 45 GW maximum, assuming there are no faults anywhere in the generators. Building more capacity is expensive and takes a long time. We have now shut down all our coal plants and nearly all the nuclear, so base load generation is much less stable and reliable.

    Looking at the ideas being presentd by politicians everywhere, the answer is more electricity. This is probably because they cannot see where it comes from, so it is magic as in magic electricity tree (ref magic money trree!). Ideas to change gas boilers for heat pumps are technically possible but heating water from a heat pump is not very efficient (COE about 2) compared to air heating (COE maybe 4) so the entirity of the heating system must be changed for air conditioning, which in a home is not easy and uses more electricity for fans although this produces heat the efficiency is exactly 1 or less. Typical houses have 20kW gas boilers and there are about 20 million of them so around 400GW installed capacity. These could probably be replaced with a 5kW heat pump in most houses, or perhaps 3kW if the insulation and ventilation is improved considerably at a cost of £5-10k per house in total. Say £200 Billion and a long time to install, probably 20 years with great effort applied. Hot water heating would then need to be electric, probably another 1kW on average per house.

    This means that the grid needs to supply 3kW more than at present per house continuously, an extra 75GW! Therefore we need to add nearly 3 times as many generating stations as at present and the distribution infrastructure to go with them, including digging up every cable in towns and fitting 4 times as many. What a bonanza for contractors and a disaster for the economy. Remember that the maximum difference that this could possibly make is 0.03 degrees over the next 100 years.

    I have not even examined electric transport (another 40GW) or the ultra fast internet (another GW) or anything else. Who is crazy, or do you wish to dispute the facts which I have presented as accurately as I can. You may wish to dispute the average figures but remember there is a huge and ancient housing stock which simply cannot all be replaced, even if we had the money and time.

    David Stone CEng MIET.
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