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Goodbye Old King Coal Generation.

Old King Coal Generation was a merry old soul, 

But soon is not to be.....


  • And in the bigger picture is not actually very relevant - what matters is that CO2 etc emission reduction is reduced. However, of course this is a tough sell to people who feel their jobs are threatened, hence the focus on "new jobs". Personally I'd rather everyone was more honest about why these initiatives are the right thing to do, but unfortunately that just results in the cry of "we can't have a nanny state telling us what to do"!

    Actually, as I think I posted elsewhere, moving toward net carbon zero must result in a huge number of engineering job opportunities at all levels as it is a very tough engineering challenge to crack. In fact probably one of the biggest problems is persuading anyone to seriously invest in the R&D engineering effort required. If that investment was there a huge number of engineers could be kept very gainfully employed.


  • And in the bigger picture is not actually very relevant - what matters is that CO2 etc emission reduction is reduced. However, of course this is a tough sell to people who feel their jobs are threatened, hence the focus on "new jobs". Personally I'd rather everyone was more honest about why these initiatives are the right thing to do, but unfortunately that just results in the cry of "we can't have a nanny state telling us what to do"!

    Actually, as I think I posted elsewhere, moving toward net carbon zero must result in a huge number of engineering job opportunities at all levels as it is a very tough engineering challenge to crack. In fact probably one of the biggest problems is persuading anyone to seriously invest in the R&D engineering effort required. If that investment was there a huge number of engineers could be kept very gainfully employed.


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