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Why has discussion on the alleged "Climate Emergency" been shut down?

I want to know why, and who shut down the most viewed topic in the Club forum. Its Engineering content is obvious, and very large indeed. The answer to the problem is supposedly Electricity, and yet we cannot discuss it!
  • The original No Climate Emergency thread seems to have 'disappeared' during the last forum update.

    I am bring this back into play in honour of the UK governments announcement that it will halt the sale if IC engine cars by 2030 without any thoughts of how to build the infrastructure to support it. They have at least worked out how to deal with the loss of fuel duty and road tax by charging per mile once again without any details. They can’t even make smart electricity meters work  and they stay in one place ?

  • The original No Climate Emergency thread seems to have 'disappeared' during the last forum update.

    I am bring this back into play in honour of the UK governments announcement that it will halt the sale if IC engine cars by 2030 without any thoughts of how to build the infrastructure to support it. They have at least worked out how to deal with the loss of fuel duty and road tax by charging per mile once again without any details. They can’t even make smart electricity meters work  and they stay in one place ?

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