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We have been advised not to go to pubs and restaurants, cinemas and other public places, to protect ourselves and others from the Coronavirus. Are we still able to work? Can we still obtain stock? Will we continue to visit workplaces like offices, shops or homes? Will we be provided  with fiscal support if we can not trade, especially if we are self employed?

University College London is predicting up to 250,000 potential fatalities from Coronavirus in the U.K.

How does the pandemic affect you?



  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    "Still, look on the bright side, if it was made in China, it probably won't last too long" ?

    At end of the day COVID-19 is not a particularly virulent ILI compared to the 'Fab Four' (A(H1N1)PDM09, A(H3N2), B/YAMAGATA and B/VICTORIA) that we have to deal with every year and causes thousands of deaths especially among the elderly and those with underlying health problems, 99.9% of people who have been tested for COVID-19 some have reported symptoms like headaches, slight fever and sore throat for a few days basically the similar symptoms that we get from a common cold, but a common cold can kill some people, the problem here is that this virus is highly contagious and by its very nature can put a big strain on the economy, health services and industry where masses of people are off sick at any one time, luckily we have managed to control the big four either with the Trivalent vaccine or medication to minimise its contagiousness and impact on people, once the scientists find that magic 'Genome' then we can add it to the list of the annual ILI's we endure every year unless Trump gets in there first and buys it for his people.

    I was asked why is four weeks self isolation so important, well for us in the Northern Hemisphere the ILI season lasts from week 44 to week 16, at moment we are in week 12 so I think trhis is probably the best policy at the moment to sit it out and allow peoples immune systems to develop combined with the fact nature will probably play its part, I know you have doom pundits screaming for some sort of marshal law, lockdowns and quarantine areas with checkpoints and trigger happy squaddies, but we should avoid this sort of approach as experience has shown us in places like Africa these sort of conditions create ghettos where a virus can get out of control and mutate, not to mention the extreme social unrest when people are denied everyday essentials and attempting to leave the area for fear of being shot.

    At the end of the day a ILI or virus is a living organism and like everything living it is difficult to eradicate and will adapt, the best we can do is control its impact. whilst the scientists are working hard to ease the pressure on society and the economy we owe it to ourselves to play our part to limit our exposure and the usual hygiene rules.

    The human race will adapt to this latest threat, we have been doing it for thousands of years, no worries.


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    "Still, look on the bright side, if it was made in China, it probably won't last too long" ?

    At end of the day COVID-19 is not a particularly virulent ILI compared to the 'Fab Four' (A(H1N1)PDM09, A(H3N2), B/YAMAGATA and B/VICTORIA) that we have to deal with every year and causes thousands of deaths especially among the elderly and those with underlying health problems, 99.9% of people who have been tested for COVID-19 some have reported symptoms like headaches, slight fever and sore throat for a few days basically the similar symptoms that we get from a common cold, but a common cold can kill some people, the problem here is that this virus is highly contagious and by its very nature can put a big strain on the economy, health services and industry where masses of people are off sick at any one time, luckily we have managed to control the big four either with the Trivalent vaccine or medication to minimise its contagiousness and impact on people, once the scientists find that magic 'Genome' then we can add it to the list of the annual ILI's we endure every year unless Trump gets in there first and buys it for his people.

    I was asked why is four weeks self isolation so important, well for us in the Northern Hemisphere the ILI season lasts from week 44 to week 16, at moment we are in week 12 so I think trhis is probably the best policy at the moment to sit it out and allow peoples immune systems to develop combined with the fact nature will probably play its part, I know you have doom pundits screaming for some sort of marshal law, lockdowns and quarantine areas with checkpoints and trigger happy squaddies, but we should avoid this sort of approach as experience has shown us in places like Africa these sort of conditions create ghettos where a virus can get out of control and mutate, not to mention the extreme social unrest when people are denied everyday essentials and attempting to leave the area for fear of being shot.

    At the end of the day a ILI or virus is a living organism and like everything living it is difficult to eradicate and will adapt, the best we can do is control its impact. whilst the scientists are working hard to ease the pressure on society and the economy we owe it to ourselves to play our part to limit our exposure and the usual hygiene rules.

    The human race will adapt to this latest threat, we have been doing it for thousands of years, no worries.


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