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We have been advised not to go to pubs and restaurants, cinemas and other public places, to protect ourselves and others from the Coronavirus. Are we still able to work? Can we still obtain stock? Will we continue to visit workplaces like offices, shops or homes? Will we be provided  with fiscal support if we can not trade, especially if we are self employed?

University College London is predicting up to 250,000 potential fatalities from Coronavirus in the U.K.

How does the pandemic affect you?




  • I'm sure Boris's knowledge of Greek and other classic civilsation is no more use than my physics

    I think both are of use. Ask yourself why classics was used as a basis of accademic educational training in the past. Perhaps simply put ' What has been is what will be, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun'. - Ecclesiastes 1:9

    So through history we learn from other peoples follies and eperiences.

    Now on a lighter note, the Black death, Bubonic and more to the point, the Pneumonic plagues terrified and reduced the population by a quarter each time they appeared, that would be 22 million in todays money.

    So how ever much of humanity gets culled it always springs back with new growth .......

     I personally would keep as many contracts going as possible, only sit on your backside if you've been struck down or you have dependants to look after.


  • I'm sure Boris's knowledge of Greek and other classic civilsation is no more use than my physics

    I think both are of use. Ask yourself why classics was used as a basis of accademic educational training in the past. Perhaps simply put ' What has been is what will be, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun'. - Ecclesiastes 1:9

    So through history we learn from other peoples follies and eperiences.

    Now on a lighter note, the Black death, Bubonic and more to the point, the Pneumonic plagues terrified and reduced the population by a quarter each time they appeared, that would be 22 million in todays money.

    So how ever much of humanity gets culled it always springs back with new growth .......

     I personally would keep as many contracts going as possible, only sit on your backside if you've been struck down or you have dependants to look after.

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