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Green Electricity.

Have you any thoughts on Micheal Moore's new film Planet of the Humans?

  • davezawadi:

    True that it has had bad reviews from some, but that is because they don't like the message isn't it?

    Or because the data is simply wrong now.

    For example, one of the criticisms I have seen is that the film claims that electric cars aren't "green" because they all run on coal-fired electricity.  Which might have been true 10 years ago.  But despite the best effors of President Trump, coal fired power stations are closing down across America and being replaced by wind farms and solar farms.

    If you use 10 year old data, you get the wrong answers.

  • davezawadi:

    True that it has had bad reviews from some, but that is because they don't like the message isn't it?

    Or because the data is simply wrong now.

    For example, one of the criticisms I have seen is that the film claims that electric cars aren't "green" because they all run on coal-fired electricity.  Which might have been true 10 years ago.  But despite the best effors of President Trump, coal fired power stations are closing down across America and being replaced by wind farms and solar farms.

    If you use 10 year old data, you get the wrong answers.

No Data