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Covid-19: Meeting the challenges through Engineering

I was president of the IET for 2016-17, and have been asked by government to gather practical and innovative ideas from our Engineering communities. So, please enter any ideas you might have in this thread that might help address and mitigate the Covid-19 crisis. Ideas might include digital tracking / monitoring through therapy equipment and beyond. Even ideas outside your usual expertise domain will be welcome. Now’s the time for Engineering to show we can change the world!
  • Concept - Portable respiratory support for emergency situations – Can SCUBA diving kit be easily adapted to provide it?

    This is an idea we've been looking at with and Engineer / Scuba Diver. I appreciate that it may not be the first port of call but we see it is as a possible solution should care and mass recovery be moved to non-hospital situations, possibly without impacting existing supply chains.

    Dear Colleague,

    I am looking to see if you, or someone you know may have any ideas, feedback, or support on the attached idea for emergency respiratory support systems.
    Covid-19 is causing unprecedented need for ventilation, even with increased manufacture will demand be met?  If hospitals are at capacity improvised sites may need to be used, without plumbed oxygen. While we may not be at the point to need to think quite this laterally –we may yet reach it. There are 3 levels of respiratory support solution discussed, and while they may not currently be suitable for a hospital, they may be ideas which could prove useful in extreme or mass recovery situations (e.g. use of Stadiums to house patients). It should also not impact existing supply lines. If not for this virus - then the next where solutions that could call in civilian equipment & hold a library of designs for manufacture could prove vital.
    Please take a moment to review the attached summary and supporting information, and respond with your thoughts. Please feel free to share it, as the aim here is to think of possible solutions, and work out if they could feasibly work, then develop them - which is why it’s being shared at such an early thought stage. In the hope that it may be useful to develop – or may trigger some ideas in others which it can help.
    Thank you for your time, and please stay safe.

    Kind Regards,
    Susan Jones MEng CEng MIET MWES
  • Concept - Portable respiratory support for emergency situations – Can SCUBA diving kit be easily adapted to provide it?

    This is an idea we've been looking at with and Engineer / Scuba Diver. I appreciate that it may not be the first port of call but we see it is as a possible solution should care and mass recovery be moved to non-hospital situations, possibly without impacting existing supply chains.

    Dear Colleague,

    I am looking to see if you, or someone you know may have any ideas, feedback, or support on the attached idea for emergency respiratory support systems.
    Covid-19 is causing unprecedented need for ventilation, even with increased manufacture will demand be met?  If hospitals are at capacity improvised sites may need to be used, without plumbed oxygen. While we may not be at the point to need to think quite this laterally –we may yet reach it. There are 3 levels of respiratory support solution discussed, and while they may not currently be suitable for a hospital, they may be ideas which could prove useful in extreme or mass recovery situations (e.g. use of Stadiums to house patients). It should also not impact existing supply lines. If not for this virus - then the next where solutions that could call in civilian equipment & hold a library of designs for manufacture could prove vital.
    Please take a moment to review the attached summary and supporting information, and respond with your thoughts. Please feel free to share it, as the aim here is to think of possible solutions, and work out if they could feasibly work, then develop them - which is why it’s being shared at such an early thought stage. In the hope that it may be useful to develop – or may trigger some ideas in others which it can help.
    Thank you for your time, and please stay safe.

    Kind Regards,
    Susan Jones MEng CEng MIET MWES
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