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What are we going to do about the COVID-2X and COVID-3X World wide Pandemics?

The big question is how society is going to change as multiple waves of COVID-19 and new viruses appear over the next 20 years.

Business models supporting sharing of physical objects appear to be in jeopardy (example "ride sharing" transportation). 

Peter Brooks MIET

Palm Bay Florida USA
  • Many apologies to you Peter, I misread your posting and now realise that you are in Central Florida and not California. I have edited my previous script accordingly. Nevertheless, your comment about the need for some protection from the adverse weather in Florida, is perhaps another good reason for the development of lightweight BEVs to address my concerns about the waste of valuable and sometimes scarce, electrical power, when, for example, a 1600 kg platform (BEV) is used to transport just one or two 80Kg people to work, or the local supermarket, shopping mall etc with a payload to total mass 'efficiency' of barely 5 to 10%, when a pedal assisted electric bike boasts a payload efficiency of typically 75%. I like the fact that electric golf carts are allowed on some of the (low speed) public roads - maybe their use will 'catch on' - let's hope so.
  • Many apologies to you Peter, I misread your posting and now realise that you are in Central Florida and not California. I have edited my previous script accordingly. Nevertheless, your comment about the need for some protection from the adverse weather in Florida, is perhaps another good reason for the development of lightweight BEVs to address my concerns about the waste of valuable and sometimes scarce, electrical power, when, for example, a 1600 kg platform (BEV) is used to transport just one or two 80Kg people to work, or the local supermarket, shopping mall etc with a payload to total mass 'efficiency' of barely 5 to 10%, when a pedal assisted electric bike boasts a payload efficiency of typically 75%. I like the fact that electric golf carts are allowed on some of the (low speed) public roads - maybe their use will 'catch on' - let's hope so.
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