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What are we going to do about the COVID-2X and COVID-3X World wide Pandemics?

The big question is how society is going to change as multiple waves of COVID-19 and new viruses appear over the next 20 years.

Business models supporting sharing of physical objects appear to be in jeopardy (example "ride sharing" transportation). 

Peter Brooks MIET

Palm Bay Florida USA
  • You are correct to query the future as Covid 19 could easily mutate and not respond to a Covid 19 vaccine when if ever it becomes available. We cannot panic all the time when a new virus arrives just do our best to contain it sensibly. 

    Testing is all very well but if the testing takes more than an hour even a day then it is not worth doing. A waste of money and resources!   Why, because the person who was tested is still in contact with his/her family bubble who are all wondering around the shops and at work when they may be infectious.  Testing should be scrapped totally unless the results are available within an hour.  At the moment people are seeking a test when they cough or baby has a sniffle. A total waste of time and leading only to misleading results!

    Look at Sweden, they never locked down just advised the population of the necessity to wash hands; mask up and avoid large indoor gatherings.  They had a high level of deaths in first month but now no second spike as herd immunity has been achieved by allowing everyone to mix carefully.  We do not need draconian measures to be foisted on us by vigilantism.
  • You are correct to query the future as Covid 19 could easily mutate and not respond to a Covid 19 vaccine when if ever it becomes available. We cannot panic all the time when a new virus arrives just do our best to contain it sensibly. 

    Testing is all very well but if the testing takes more than an hour even a day then it is not worth doing. A waste of money and resources!   Why, because the person who was tested is still in contact with his/her family bubble who are all wondering around the shops and at work when they may be infectious.  Testing should be scrapped totally unless the results are available within an hour.  At the moment people are seeking a test when they cough or baby has a sniffle. A total waste of time and leading only to misleading results!

    Look at Sweden, they never locked down just advised the population of the necessity to wash hands; mask up and avoid large indoor gatherings.  They had a high level of deaths in first month but now no second spike as herd immunity has been achieved by allowing everyone to mix carefully.  We do not need draconian measures to be foisted on us by vigilantism.
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