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COVID 19: Manufacture of ventilators and other medical equipment

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
Here in the UK, there has been an overwhelming response to the Government’s request for ventilators with over 3,000 organisations and individuals responding to the call.

This concerted effort to mobilise the required number of ventilators, including but not limited to, ramping up production at existing ventilator manufacturers, sourcing alternative models and developing new, easy to manufacture models is rapidly gathering pace with the very latest position reported in today’s FT.

Currently, the NHS has access to 8,000 ventilators but it’s anticipated that some 30,000 units will be required in the coming weeks.

This then has been our national experience, but how are other nation states coping?

How are different countries addressing the supply of ventilators and other essential medical equipment? What's been the international experience? 

May this global crisis inspire us all to reach out and discover how our shared experience and understanding can benefit all our communities.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts and any experiences you may have on this?
  • Alan

    For information (and possible call for help), amongst the myriad of designs and ideas on the web is the Field Ventilator Project ( which has spun out of a DFID call for low-cost rapid manufacture ventilators for developing countries.  This is being developed into a prototype system for testing at NPL later this week by several IET Fellows who are Liverymen of the Worshipful Company of Engineers with help and clinical advice from UCL, Staffs University, and other engineering companies and regulatory lawyers.

    The aim is to be low cost and manufacturable in countries such as Tanzania, Kenya, Peru and India, useable in places where oxgen and electrical supplies may be sparse, and useable for other situations where ventilators can help patients, eg in childbirth.  

    Offers for help please via the website

  • Alan

    For information (and possible call for help), amongst the myriad of designs and ideas on the web is the Field Ventilator Project ( which has spun out of a DFID call for low-cost rapid manufacture ventilators for developing countries.  This is being developed into a prototype system for testing at NPL later this week by several IET Fellows who are Liverymen of the Worshipful Company of Engineers with help and clinical advice from UCL, Staffs University, and other engineering companies and regulatory lawyers.

    The aim is to be low cost and manufacturable in countries such as Tanzania, Kenya, Peru and India, useable in places where oxgen and electrical supplies may be sparse, and useable for other situations where ventilators can help patients, eg in childbirth.  

    Offers for help please via the website

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