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COVID19: Technological Solutions to Tackle Isolation and Loneliness

Covid19 is a collective challenge that we all face, and social isolation and loneliness are big national issues we must address. Although loneliness is particularly prevalent among older people, loneliness can also affect people of all ages.  Human touch and connection is so important, even though that connection is not physical, tech can help to reduce this.

As part of the global effort, the IET is keen to help identify potential solutions across its national and international engineering networks that could help our governments solve problems and innovations that help to counter the ill effects of social isolation and loneliness, including providing mental health support and meeting social care needs.

We are keen to hear case-study exemplars and your thoughts on opportunities and challenges regarding the following areas:
  • Social Isolation

  • Remote working

  • Remote care (Technologies for healthy ageing, eldercare, dementia, end-of-life)

  • Mental Health (Technologies for wellness and mental health)

  • Childcare at home (Technologies for education, exercise, self-care)

Additionally, if you would like to volunteer your expertise and be consulted further in these areas above please email

  • Keep it simple. Even simple things like caring for plants inside or outside is very beneficial. Grow some cress from seed. It is easy and children love to do so. When mature the cress (Lepidium Sativum is the curly type)  can be eaten. Also just feeding wild birds can be  very rewarding. They will return again and again to see you. They will visit gardens, balconies or just your garage roof etc. Even just taking care of a gold fish is good for us. Simple hobbies that engage us is good for our mental health. 

    Personally I keep small cacti on window sills. They are easy to keep, are very robust and occasionally flower if they are happy.

    Regarding technology I enjoy researching things on the internet. There are so many marvellous lectures and instructional videos online. It is like an open college. Marvellous.

  • Keep it simple. Even simple things like caring for plants inside or outside is very beneficial. Grow some cress from seed. It is easy and children love to do so. When mature the cress (Lepidium Sativum is the curly type)  can be eaten. Also just feeding wild birds can be  very rewarding. They will return again and again to see you. They will visit gardens, balconies or just your garage roof etc. Even just taking care of a gold fish is good for us. Simple hobbies that engage us is good for our mental health. 

    Personally I keep small cacti on window sills. They are easy to keep, are very robust and occasionally flower if they are happy.

    Regarding technology I enjoy researching things on the internet. There are so many marvellous lectures and instructional videos online. It is like an open college. Marvellous.

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