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Coronavirus Electrical Quiz. 27-03-2020

Q.1. What electrical device houses a rotating squirrel?

2. A heating element draws 10 Amps. on a 230 Volt supply. What power is it rated at?

3. Where would this formula apply?

R1=R3 divided by R4 X R2?

4. Three resistors R1, R2 and R3 are wired in series to a 24 Volt supply. R1 carries 5 Amps. What current flows through R2 and R3?

5. In a 50 Hz circuit containing a coil of many turns.

i, The current leads the supply Voltage.

or ii, The fuse blows,

or iii, The current lags the supply Voltage.

6. What is a Galvanometer used for?

7. A full wave bridge rectifyer converts.

i. D.C. to A.C. current.

ii. A.C. to D.C. current.

iii. High Voltage to a lower Voltage.

8. A full wave bridge rectifyer contains.

i. 3 transistors.

ii. 2 Diodes and a resistor.

iii. 4 diodes.

9. What does a smoothing capacitor do?

10. What unit is a  Henry? To what does it apply?

Good luck.

  • I must admit I`ve always got to stop and think of lead and lag and likewise, to a lesser degree, ampere turns = ampere turns
  • I must admit I`ve always got to stop and think of lead and lag and likewise, to a lesser degree, ampere turns = ampere turns
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