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Would you get a COVID-19 vaccine?

Vaccinations save 2-3 million lives every year and with the urgency for fast and effective solutions, countries have begun the race to find a COVID-19 vaccine.

Despite vaccines usually taking up to 10 years to develop, some countries have predicted a vaccine by 2021 and others have shared earlier dates. This has caused concern amongst health professionals as well as the general public.  In a year, 1.5 million deaths could be avoided if more people were vaccinated yet cost and vaccine hesitancy remain strong obstacles.

How can we ensure that safety standards are being met and provide reassurance to those who are concerned? Would you get a COVID-19 vaccine?
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    I would, yes - and the sooner the better

    I'd also publish widely the list of the top 10 reasons why people believe they don't want a vaccine - so health professionals, and others, when faced with anti vaxxers, can point at each of the reasons they believe they shouldn't get a vaccine,  and then effectively demolish them one by one, preferably in public, with a large amount of ridicule involved.

    There is a hard of thinking conspiracy loon living near me, who takes every opportunity to tell anyone unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity of them, that:

    1 - All vaccines are made from monkey brains

    2 - 5G rollout is only intended to track those people who have a coronavirus vaccine (and SARS Cov 2, is man-made by definition)

    3 - It is essentially a government plot to impose mind control on the masses, which is why we don't want Huawei involved (Gubbmint loses control, in favour of Huawei)

    From sufficient social distance, I just tell him to DFUQ off, and stop talking to me, as he's a public health menace  - but he could try wearing a bacofoil hat, which might help (on the basis that everyone else would get a good visual warning from some distance away, and avoid the pain of being lectured by turning smartly to the right and avoiding the lunatic)

    Personally, I don't care what he thinks, but he has stopped all of his kids having any of the childhood vaccinations  - which is grossly irresponsible to them, and their peers - and with enough like minded people around, he becomes a real risk in society

    Stay Safe


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    I would, yes - and the sooner the better

    I'd also publish widely the list of the top 10 reasons why people believe they don't want a vaccine - so health professionals, and others, when faced with anti vaxxers, can point at each of the reasons they believe they shouldn't get a vaccine,  and then effectively demolish them one by one, preferably in public, with a large amount of ridicule involved.

    There is a hard of thinking conspiracy loon living near me, who takes every opportunity to tell anyone unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity of them, that:

    1 - All vaccines are made from monkey brains

    2 - 5G rollout is only intended to track those people who have a coronavirus vaccine (and SARS Cov 2, is man-made by definition)

    3 - It is essentially a government plot to impose mind control on the masses, which is why we don't want Huawei involved (Gubbmint loses control, in favour of Huawei)

    From sufficient social distance, I just tell him to DFUQ off, and stop talking to me, as he's a public health menace  - but he could try wearing a bacofoil hat, which might help (on the basis that everyone else would get a good visual warning from some distance away, and avoid the pain of being lectured by turning smartly to the right and avoiding the lunatic)

    Personally, I don't care what he thinks, but he has stopped all of his kids having any of the childhood vaccinations  - which is grossly irresponsible to them, and their peers - and with enough like minded people around, he becomes a real risk in society

    Stay Safe


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