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How are Professional Registration interviews handled during lockdown, and what advice can we give for 'remote' interviews?

As a PRA I haven't heard anything special about Registration interviews, and suspect that they are in abeyance for the moment (Older interviewers may be "shielding"). But I do expect that it's likely that there will be interviews by teleconference as we release from lockdown and get processes in place.

Are there any tips and tricks for candidates for preparing for a teleconference type interview, or handling the delays that Covid has created, so that they are able to present themselves well?

Philip, Scotland.
  • Hi,

    I can also confirm that it works. A colleague of mine had his interview on-line in mid-May, and I sat through his practice presentations (plus posed a few questions afterwards to keep it realistic). The practice was with Teams, as this is what we have at work, but I think the actual interview was with Skype. While they are different programs I think that they are all similar enough that it doesn't make too much difference. He heard last week that he has been awarded CEng so I agree that it does work.

  • Hi,

    I can also confirm that it works. A colleague of mine had his interview on-line in mid-May, and I sat through his practice presentations (plus posed a few questions afterwards to keep it realistic). The practice was with Teams, as this is what we have at work, but I think the actual interview was with Skype. While they are different programs I think that they are all similar enough that it doesn't make too much difference. He heard last week that he has been awarded CEng so I agree that it does work.

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