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How are Professional Registration interviews handled during lockdown, and what advice can we give for 'remote' interviews?

As a PRA I haven't heard anything special about Registration interviews, and suspect that they are in abeyance for the moment (Older interviewers may be "shielding"). But I do expect that it's likely that there will be interviews by teleconference as we release from lockdown and get processes in place.

Are there any tips and tricks for candidates for preparing for a teleconference type interview, or handling the delays that Covid has created, so that they are able to present themselves well?

Philip, Scotland.
  • Hi Jim,

    Were there any extra little tips about what, not so much 'goes wrong' , but doesn't go as well as face to face, and any tips about managing the misaligned expectations.

    I'm guessing that the voice clarity and delay can be an issue, along with needing to allow for 'thinking time' (because you can't see instantly whether the listeners are nodding in agreement, when on delayed multi-screen), etc.

    Especially interested about anything that comes out of the interview situation that's different from on-line advice about either conferencing or training presentations (i.e. the expectation of an unresponsive audience, e.g. sneaking off for a cup of tea, and other urgent needs, during a webinar...).

    I've a couple of candidates who are likely to be interviewed soon.

  • Hi Jim,

    Were there any extra little tips about what, not so much 'goes wrong' , but doesn't go as well as face to face, and any tips about managing the misaligned expectations.

    I'm guessing that the voice clarity and delay can be an issue, along with needing to allow for 'thinking time' (because you can't see instantly whether the listeners are nodding in agreement, when on delayed multi-screen), etc.

    Especially interested about anything that comes out of the interview situation that's different from on-line advice about either conferencing or training presentations (i.e. the expectation of an unresponsive audience, e.g. sneaking off for a cup of tea, and other urgent needs, during a webinar...).

    I've a couple of candidates who are likely to be interviewed soon.

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