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Fibre optics on power lines

The latest online piece from E&T magazine informs us that Facebook Engineering has developed a system for wrapping fibre optic cables around overhead power lines.

This technique was actually developed by Raychem in the early 1980s and since then thousands of km have been installed.

The product line is know owned by AFL

Best regards


  • I guess we are talking about the same one Mariner, I went to BICC at Helsby and they showed me the fibre optic wrapped around the top conductor on what I think were 132kV lines that ran past our school, you could see it spiral wound and I can remember spotting it all over when we went places, probably en route to Liverpool, ICI etc
  • I guess we are talking about the same one Mariner, I went to BICC at Helsby and they showed me the fibre optic wrapped around the top conductor on what I think were 132kV lines that ran past our school, you could see it spiral wound and I can remember spotting it all over when we went places, probably en route to Liverpool, ICI etc
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