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Scottish Govt to regulate "electrician" description

Currently anyone can call themselves an electrician, without the need for any qualifications or competency.

The Scottish Government is gathering information and views on whether regulations should be introduced in relation to electricians. While the focus of the consultation is on domestic work carried out for individual consumers, it will also apply to commercial and industrial work.
  • Have the Scottish Government actually determined how many people in Scotland identify themselves as electricians and what qualifications they have?

    It is quite possible that there aren’t enough people skilled enough to be able to register with any scheme to make it viable and service the market.

    Whole areas of Scotland may suddenly discover they no longer have a local electrician.
  • Have the Scottish Government actually determined how many people in Scotland identify themselves as electricians and what qualifications they have?

    It is quite possible that there aren’t enough people skilled enough to be able to register with any scheme to make it viable and service the market.

    Whole areas of Scotland may suddenly discover they no longer have a local electrician.
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