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Scottish Govt to regulate "electrician" description

Currently anyone can call themselves an electrician, without the need for any qualifications or competency.

The Scottish Government is gathering information and views on whether regulations should be introduced in relation to electricians. While the focus of the consultation is on domestic work carried out for individual consumers, it will also apply to commercial and industrial work.
  • In UK, unlike rest of Europe,  Engineer and Electrician terms are not protected by law so you can have an engineer or electrician doing work which could be hazardous.

    For electrician,  if there is a problem and work was not carried out by a recognised person, the insurance company will not pay for damages.

    When house is sold or rented, a professional electrician surveyor report is required.  If not provided, the landlord is responsible.

  • In UK, unlike rest of Europe,  Engineer and Electrician terms are not protected by law so you can have an engineer or electrician doing work which could be hazardous.

    For electrician,  if there is a problem and work was not carried out by a recognised person, the insurance company will not pay for damages.

    When house is sold or rented, a professional electrician surveyor report is required.  If not provided, the landlord is responsible.

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