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Scottish Govt to regulate "electrician" description

Currently anyone can call themselves an electrician, without the need for any qualifications or competency.

The Scottish Government is gathering information and views on whether regulations should be introduced in relation to electricians. While the focus of the consultation is on domestic work carried out for individual consumers, it will also apply to commercial and industrial work.
  • I was actually at that job this afternoon to check out and repair a storage heater, the observation on the state of the PV system wiring was merely incidental, the CPC from the twin and earth is terminated into the off peak fuse board earth bar, why go back to the dedicated PV CU when that one is closer?
  • I was actually at that job this afternoon to check out and repair a storage heater, the observation on the state of the PV system wiring was merely incidental, the CPC from the twin and earth is terminated into the off peak fuse board earth bar, why go back to the dedicated PV CU when that one is closer?
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