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Scottish Govt to regulate "electrician" description

Currently anyone can call themselves an electrician, without the need for any qualifications or competency.

The Scottish Government is gathering information and views on whether regulations should be introduced in relation to electricians. While the focus of the consultation is on domestic work carried out for individual consumers, it will also apply to commercial and industrial work.
  • In twenty years I have been asked to take proof that I’m a “real electrician” to a job site with twice by the same customer.

    The jobs were taking the the Waterford crystal chandeliers down in the Royal Worcester Porcelain and Royal Brierley Crystal shops for the firm doing the clearance when they went bust, no one actually asked to see any ID at all, the security guys just let me in as I had a ladder, tools and PPE they just accepted that I was supposed to be there and I knew what I was doing.

    I actually  wear my NAPIT ID lanyard with the card tucked inside my shirt every working day, no one has ever asked to see it.

    However I do turn up wearing a shirt with my name on it then I introduce myself and generally give the customer a card on arrival and a certificate when I leave or a few days later.
  • In twenty years I have been asked to take proof that I’m a “real electrician” to a job site with twice by the same customer.

    The jobs were taking the the Waterford crystal chandeliers down in the Royal Worcester Porcelain and Royal Brierley Crystal shops for the firm doing the clearance when they went bust, no one actually asked to see any ID at all, the security guys just let me in as I had a ladder, tools and PPE they just accepted that I was supposed to be there and I knew what I was doing.

    I actually  wear my NAPIT ID lanyard with the card tucked inside my shirt every working day, no one has ever asked to see it.

    However I do turn up wearing a shirt with my name on it then I introduce myself and generally give the customer a card on arrival and a certificate when I leave or a few days later.
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