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Scottish Govt to regulate "electrician" description

Currently anyone can call themselves an electrician, without the need for any qualifications or competency.

The Scottish Government is gathering information and views on whether regulations should be introduced in relation to electricians. While the focus of the consultation is on domestic work carried out for individual consumers, it will also apply to commercial and industrial work.
  • The NICEIC has really lost the status it had years ago and there is little or no brand recognition these days.

    I thought it was disgraceful when the parent company started selling franchises to operate renewable energy companies with advertising aimed at the general public saying that these newly formed franchise companies could be trusted because they were part of the NICEIC group of companies that had been operating since 1956. For a supposed “regulator” to be selling franchises was disgraceful.

    It should also be noted that the full name is the 

    National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting

    originally the inspectors turned up with set of calibrated test equipment and did a full inspection and test of the installation that had been submitted for approval.

    That changed, now the Qualified Supervisor is assessed for competence.

    So the electrical work gets a visual inspection, then the QS may be asked to do a test and the paperwork checked.

    This then covers every electrician on the books, no one checks individual competence.

    So if electrician were to become a protected title the would have to be a change in that individual competence would have to be checked to level that would have to be defined. However, that doesn’t stop others doing electrical work using a different job title without further regulation.
  • The NICEIC has really lost the status it had years ago and there is little or no brand recognition these days.

    I thought it was disgraceful when the parent company started selling franchises to operate renewable energy companies with advertising aimed at the general public saying that these newly formed franchise companies could be trusted because they were part of the NICEIC group of companies that had been operating since 1956. For a supposed “regulator” to be selling franchises was disgraceful.

    It should also be noted that the full name is the 

    National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting

    originally the inspectors turned up with set of calibrated test equipment and did a full inspection and test of the installation that had been submitted for approval.

    That changed, now the Qualified Supervisor is assessed for competence.

    So the electrical work gets a visual inspection, then the QS may be asked to do a test and the paperwork checked.

    This then covers every electrician on the books, no one checks individual competence.

    So if electrician were to become a protected title the would have to be a change in that individual competence would have to be checked to level that would have to be defined. However, that doesn’t stop others doing electrical work using a different job title without further regulation.
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