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FIET referral

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
I am looking to apply for FIET, but I haven't been able to find a referee (who is also a FIET). I am the Vice President, PMC Chair of Apache Gobblin at The Apache Software Foundation, and an Engineering Manager at LinkedIn. However, while polling around, I did not find any FIET at my company or in the immediate Apache community. I would be very grateful if someone here is willing to help me out? 


Edit: Just to add a bit more about me. I am from Software Engineering domain, with interest and prior work in the following areas: big data, distributed systems, scalability, and high availability.
  • If you contact, they will talk you through the options, a FIET is helpful, but not essential.
  • If you contact, they will talk you through the options, a FIET is helpful, but not essential.
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