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Recognition distance learning HND + BEng

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

I'm a 26 y.o guy from the Netherlands. I'm currently working as a maintenance technician. Unfortunately without any diploma I can't evolve to a manager position. While looking online, I found a distance learning HND program in mechanical engineering (at Teesside University). It looks like it's equivalent to a 2 year university program and with 2 additional study years, I could obtain a BEng Top-up degree (distance learning Portsmouth university).

But I couldn't find any accreditation for those programs, so I was wondering what's their value with employers? 

As I'm not used to this accreditation system: how important is an accreditation ?

I understand that all BEng are honours degree, does this mean that I could follow a Msc degree after and get a Ceng accreditation? 

Last but not least, my girlfriend is Canadian, and who knows we might go live there one day. I found an old topic that Open University (online) degrees were not recognized because it wasn't on the Engineering Council's list.

Did that change or it might be still a problem if we ever move over there? 

Thank you! 

  • Hi Shawn,

    Difficult to give definitive guidance on this but when I was doing my degree at Strathclyde University (which was accredited) we had a number of students join half way through the four year course who had done an HND and were therefore exempt from the first two years of study. At the end of the process it will be the accreditation of the final degree that is critical, not the accreditation (or not) of the HND. You are also correct in that you can go HND => BEng => MSc/MEng.

    With regard to the accreditation please remember that it is possible to gain CEng Registration without an accredited degree, and even with no degree at all. The lack of accredited degree just puts more onus on the candidate to demonstrate their level of learning to be equivalent to a Masters degree, but the assessors and interviewers are practiced at asking the right questions to delve into that.

    With regard to Canada I will have to leave it to others to respond in that respect, but if the degree is recognised under an international agreement such as the Washington accord I would have thought there would be no issue. This may be the problem with online degrees as I suspect that the international accords only deal with Full Time residential study, though in the light of the restrictions on that during the pandemic there may be some leeway in the future.

  • Hi Shawn,

    Difficult to give definitive guidance on this but when I was doing my degree at Strathclyde University (which was accredited) we had a number of students join half way through the four year course who had done an HND and were therefore exempt from the first two years of study. At the end of the process it will be the accreditation of the final degree that is critical, not the accreditation (or not) of the HND. You are also correct in that you can go HND => BEng => MSc/MEng.

    With regard to the accreditation please remember that it is possible to gain CEng Registration without an accredited degree, and even with no degree at all. The lack of accredited degree just puts more onus on the candidate to demonstrate their level of learning to be equivalent to a Masters degree, but the assessors and interviewers are practiced at asking the right questions to delve into that.

    With regard to Canada I will have to leave it to others to respond in that respect, but if the degree is recognised under an international agreement such as the Washington accord I would have thought there would be no issue. This may be the problem with online degrees as I suspect that the international accords only deal with Full Time residential study, though in the light of the restrictions on that during the pandemic there may be some leeway in the future.

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