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Recognition distance learning HND + BEng

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

I'm a 26 y.o guy from the Netherlands. I'm currently working as a maintenance technician. Unfortunately without any diploma I can't evolve to a manager position. While looking online, I found a distance learning HND program in mechanical engineering (at Teesside University). It looks like it's equivalent to a 2 year university program and with 2 additional study years, I could obtain a BEng Top-up degree (distance learning Portsmouth university).

But I couldn't find any accreditation for those programs, so I was wondering what's their value with employers? 

As I'm not used to this accreditation system: how important is an accreditation ?

I understand that all BEng are honours degree, does this mean that I could follow a Msc degree after and get a Ceng accreditation? 

Last but not least, my girlfriend is Canadian, and who knows we might go live there one day. I found an old topic that Open University (online) degrees were not recognized because it wasn't on the Engineering Council's list.

Did that change or it might be still a problem if we ever move over there? 

Thank you! 

  • Sorry no I hadn't (have now ? ). Unfortunately the only way I could find of not having my inbox filled with IET emails was, in the end, to turn off all notifications. So I don't now know if I have messages unless I remember to check here, and I don't come on here very often these days.

    I'll drop you a note back shortly!

    Cheers, Andy
  • Sorry no I hadn't (have now ? ). Unfortunately the only way I could find of not having my inbox filled with IET emails was, in the end, to turn off all notifications. So I don't now know if I have messages unless I remember to check here, and I don't come on here very often these days.

    I'll drop you a note back shortly!

    Cheers, Andy
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