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Is there a deficit of engineering principle as a result of the UK skills gap?

I'm extremely proud to finally be able to share this with everyone, the publication is linked in the below article, alternatively this can be found on my profile. PLEASE take some time to have a read, feedback is appreciated.

#apprentice #apprenticeships #engineering #graduateengineer #skills #author #skillsgap #ukmanufacturing #diversity


  • Andy Millar:

    There's a reason the IET and other PEIs don't lobby to protect the title "Engineer", it's because [...] there's not seen to be any real public benefit. 

    P.S. Always remembering that the IET and PEIs are not trade unions, they have no remit to gain advantages for engineers unless this provides an overall public benefit.

  • Andy Millar:

    There's a reason the IET and other PEIs don't lobby to protect the title "Engineer", it's because [...] there's not seen to be any real public benefit. 

    P.S. Always remembering that the IET and PEIs are not trade unions, they have no remit to gain advantages for engineers unless this provides an overall public benefit.

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