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Electric Trucks and Buses

This firm seems to be putting a lot of effort into real sized electric trucks. There are a few running around here but I understand the Swiss taxation of HGVs makes this possible (as with the hydrogen fuel cell trucks).

Electric Trucks | Utility Vehicles | E-Trucks | Futuricum

Berlin had a few range issues with its battery buses during the cold spell and had to make the last few runs will diesels. It appears the busses did not deliver there specified low temperature range. This article is a bit negative but in the end says it was a limited problem.

Personally I will be happy if the early morning buses and trucks are electric but I'm not sure if it is really economical.
  • Well it looks like the range problem is more to do with providing cabin heating than loss of battery amp hours, and that, perhaps with double door air locks and more imaginative construction (insulation/ double glazing  maybe, not worth it on short hops, but coaches perhaps) is the sort of thing that can be solved in a 'B' model.

    Actually even on a Diesel model, such things would be worth considering , but they are not designed for energy conservation, being designed on a 'cheap oil' model.

    This is all just the start, not the end, of a long process.

  • Well it looks like the range problem is more to do with providing cabin heating than loss of battery amp hours, and that, perhaps with double door air locks and more imaginative construction (insulation/ double glazing  maybe, not worth it on short hops, but coaches perhaps) is the sort of thing that can be solved in a 'B' model.

    Actually even on a Diesel model, such things would be worth considering , but they are not designed for energy conservation, being designed on a 'cheap oil' model.

    This is all just the start, not the end, of a long process.

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