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Do you use a device programmer?

Do you use a device programmer? If so, then which models?
  • If you meant microcontrollers. yes more than one.

    Pickit 3 for pics, mostly, but I also have a home made one that pretends to be a parallel port and allows non-standard things to be done on PICs  when code protection gets stuck.

    The Atmel ICE  USB to one for Atmel devices,

    A USB lead for Arduino,  with occasional use of the Atmel programmer to un-brick.

    a Xilinx J-Tag programmer.

    Somewhere there is also one for the ST micro 'dataman' I think, but not  frequently enough to recall exactly the name or where it is...

    What do you have in mind ?


  • If you meant microcontrollers. yes more than one.

    Pickit 3 for pics, mostly, but I also have a home made one that pretends to be a parallel port and allows non-standard things to be done on PICs  when code protection gets stuck.

    The Atmel ICE  USB to one for Atmel devices,

    A USB lead for Arduino,  with occasional use of the Atmel programmer to un-brick.

    a Xilinx J-Tag programmer.

    Somewhere there is also one for the ST micro 'dataman' I think, but not  frequently enough to recall exactly the name or where it is...

    What do you have in mind ?


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