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Do you use a device programmer?

Do you use a device programmer? If so, then which models?
  • Is it a Willem programmer?

    Not unless by some fluke he came up with the same design as I did. Essentially writing to the parallel port is used to 'bit bang' the programming waveforms and enable or not the 'high' programming voltage. 

    My own C code calls IO.dll. Probably not really suitable for a modern windows machine, but I have the old one

  • Is it a Willem programmer?

    Not unless by some fluke he came up with the same design as I did. Essentially writing to the parallel port is used to 'bit bang' the programming waveforms and enable or not the 'high' programming voltage. 

    My own C code calls IO.dll. Probably not really suitable for a modern windows machine, but I have the old one

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