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Coal Generation G7.

Many old coal mines had their own electrical generators. They were self sufficient and had a good reliable supply for essential equipment like ventilation fans, water pumps, winder winch, lifting gear and coal cutters etc.  In the U.K. in about 1950 colliery generating plants were shut down and the supplies were obtained from the Electricity Boards. This was a bit of a shame really, as unmarketable grades of coal could be used at the colliery generating plants' boilers.

Now Old King Coal is an enemy it appears.

G7 to agree tough measures on burning coal to tackle climate change - BBC News

  • Kelly Marie Angel:

    this really gets my goat  il say it again global warming is a myth it don't exist come on Boris get a grip

    I don't think that there is any doubt that the climate has been getting warmer, but the cause is less clear.

  • Kelly Marie Angel:

    this really gets my goat  il say it again global warming is a myth it don't exist come on Boris get a grip

    I don't think that there is any doubt that the climate has been getting warmer, but the cause is less clear.

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