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EV Chargers located at commercial premises - or lack of?

Oh dear!

The Shell 170 kW charger is a big beast, a couple of those would likely hit the local network? Although perhaps not that day...

  • "Recognised but fails to charge" sounds like software or overload settings, or maybe an overkeen off-earth detector.

    I bet it is the first load of that size to be plugged in since the socket was fitted...

    If they have a granny lead perhaps they can ask to plug it in to a spare socket behind the reception desk for a few hours days?

    Google reckons the battery is 422KWhr, so 37 hours  at say 12A should do it. Better uncoil the lead so it does not overheat.

  • "Recognised but fails to charge" sounds like software or overload settings, or maybe an overkeen off-earth detector.

    I bet it is the first load of that size to be plugged in since the socket was fitted...

    If they have a granny lead perhaps they can ask to plug it in to a spare socket behind the reception desk for a few hours days?

    Google reckons the battery is 422KWhr, so 37 hours  at say 12A should do it. Better uncoil the lead so it does not overheat.

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