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EVs and the public, Interesting!

  • There was also a piece on the Beeb today. Thank you to Mike for the link.

    Smart charging (in both senses) seems to be the answer: there will not only be “spare” capacity for generation, but also distribution during off-peak periods.

    Politically, the aim is laudable enough, but perhaps not so realistic. Nobody seems to want to consider the energy consumption (and CO2 emission) involved in making a vehicle. In the days of Minis and Escorts, you were lucky to keep a car on the road for much more than 10 years because of rust, and wear in the running gear. 20 years is now a perfectly reasonable expectation.

  • There was also a piece on the Beeb today. Thank you to Mike for the link.

    Smart charging (in both senses) seems to be the answer: there will not only be “spare” capacity for generation, but also distribution during off-peak periods.

    Politically, the aim is laudable enough, but perhaps not so realistic. Nobody seems to want to consider the energy consumption (and CO2 emission) involved in making a vehicle. In the days of Minis and Escorts, you were lucky to keep a car on the road for much more than 10 years because of rust, and wear in the running gear. 20 years is now a perfectly reasonable expectation.

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