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EVs and the public, Interesting!

  • “we have a lobby which insists that global warming is man-made”. I agree with that Chris, in part.

    We are sliding down a hill and we cant stop it being a hill. 

    We can, however choose to put lubricant under ourselves to slide quicker or grit to slide slower.

    The difference between slower or quicker might be quite a few years, therefore a few generations of us all. 

    Might be worth an extra effort on our part after all? 

    (providing, of course, we get it done the right way and not pie in the sky way.

  • “we have a lobby which insists that global warming is man-made”. I agree with that Chris, in part.

    We are sliding down a hill and we cant stop it being a hill. 

    We can, however choose to put lubricant under ourselves to slide quicker or grit to slide slower.

    The difference between slower or quicker might be quite a few years, therefore a few generations of us all. 

    Might be worth an extra effort on our part after all? 

    (providing, of course, we get it done the right way and not pie in the sky way.

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