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EVs and the public, Interesting!


    If we are seriously going to try and solve these problems (and I am not getting into the ' whys and wherefores').  We need a grown up solution - simply stating a need such as - we want electric cars and we want them by date xxxx  - and then hoping that private enterprise will magic up an ideal solution which gives maximum benefit to mankind is just not good enough.


    Geoff Blackwell

    There is no real urgent problem with the climate. Its been warming steadily since the little ice age 300 years ago. All this rush to zero immissions is wrong.

    And don't mention Micheal Manns hockey stick. It proven to be bad science modelling.


    If we are seriously going to try and solve these problems (and I am not getting into the ' whys and wherefores').  We need a grown up solution - simply stating a need such as - we want electric cars and we want them by date xxxx  - and then hoping that private enterprise will magic up an ideal solution which gives maximum benefit to mankind is just not good enough.


    Geoff Blackwell

    There is no real urgent problem with the climate. Its been warming steadily since the little ice age 300 years ago. All this rush to zero immissions is wrong.

    And don't mention Micheal Manns hockey stick. It proven to be bad science modelling.

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