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EVs and the public, Interesting!

  • Far more important than global warming is the fact that fossil fuels will run out, not in my lifetime, but in my granddaughters'

    The end of cheap fossil fuels might be sooner than you think. North Sea gas production has been in  decline for years and now can supply less than 50% of UK demand - and continues to decline. So we'll have to import more and more of our gas. As supply declines and ‘developing’ countries continue to increase their energy consumption, prices are likely to rise considerably, never mind the additional costs of liquidification and transport.  Also consider quite where this gas is likely to come from and therefore who controls the supply - will it really be politically sensible to effectively hand over the ability to freeze our population in winter and cripple our industry to to some foreign cartel or ex-KGB agent who perhaps don't have the UK's welfare as a first priority?

        - Andy.

  • Far more important than global warming is the fact that fossil fuels will run out, not in my lifetime, but in my granddaughters'

    The end of cheap fossil fuels might be sooner than you think. North Sea gas production has been in  decline for years and now can supply less than 50% of UK demand - and continues to decline. So we'll have to import more and more of our gas. As supply declines and ‘developing’ countries continue to increase their energy consumption, prices are likely to rise considerably, never mind the additional costs of liquidification and transport.  Also consider quite where this gas is likely to come from and therefore who controls the supply - will it really be politically sensible to effectively hand over the ability to freeze our population in winter and cripple our industry to to some foreign cartel or ex-KGB agent who perhaps don't have the UK's welfare as a first priority?

        - Andy.

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