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EVs and the public, Interesting!

  • Even if you don't believe in anthropogenic climate change, fossil fuels are a finite resource: so at some point they will run out and the world will have to go carbon neutral or return to the stone age. You can of course have a lively debate as to when exactly this will happen, but known world gas reserves are for about 50 years at the current consumption rate (and the rate of discovery of new reserves has been dropping for a long time).

    Two close friends of mine are giving birth in the next couple of months; those newborns could live to see gas run out world-wide.

    Of course there's a lot more coal left than gas.

  • Even if you don't believe in anthropogenic climate change, fossil fuels are a finite resource: so at some point they will run out and the world will have to go carbon neutral or return to the stone age. You can of course have a lively debate as to when exactly this will happen, but known world gas reserves are for about 50 years at the current consumption rate (and the rate of discovery of new reserves has been dropping for a long time).

    Two close friends of mine are giving birth in the next couple of months; those newborns could live to see gas run out world-wide.

    Of course there's a lot more coal left than gas.

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