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EVs and the public, Interesting!

  • Talking to a person today  in a car  park flogging Telsa cars  300 mile range (made in China) nice job  and the cars and well finished, 45k or so price range. He said about 25 hours or so  for a full charge cost £7 but  off peak cost about £5. During our chat I asked how the Government would deal with the loss of Vat from petrol diesel , thinks there will be a extra vat on car charging only the electricity used.
    Who will benfit from extra electricity usage, Mostly China and EU of course as UK has flogged nearly all power stations and wind farms to oversees owners. 
    Take for example Northern Ireland all the power stations and wind farms are fowerign owned so they will benfit Ireland's ESB buys NIE for £1.2bn,Published21 December 2010.
    I see the Government is going to make it mandotry for EV chargers to be fitted to all new builds houses. Most of the new builds now are social housing (even on todays news) Climate change: Wales set to build 20,000 low-carbon social Housing'.  Anyhow these timber two story houses with single brick skin on the outside look  terrible, and where I live due to timber shortage will now double the price of construction.
    I think the original heading of this thread is correct EV, as I sometimes used ev which usage by the old BSI was electron volt like this eV  (American usage e.v) Abbreviations should be written in lower case unless the term abbreviated is a proper noun. And look at our own silly abbreviation for IET the E now  like three fallen telegraph poles.
    I never seen how many cars as there is now no matter where you someone is following you and if the car behind turns off another car takes over so all these millions , billions of cars have to change to electric in the next few years, it must be a scare tactic to make you buy one now.
    This is only a frendly chat so carry on with the technical stuff,

  • Talking to a person today  in a car  park flogging Telsa cars  300 mile range (made in China) nice job  and the cars and well finished, 45k or so price range. He said about 25 hours or so  for a full charge cost £7 but  off peak cost about £5. During our chat I asked how the Government would deal with the loss of Vat from petrol diesel , thinks there will be a extra vat on car charging only the electricity used.
    Who will benfit from extra electricity usage, Mostly China and EU of course as UK has flogged nearly all power stations and wind farms to oversees owners. 
    Take for example Northern Ireland all the power stations and wind farms are fowerign owned so they will benfit Ireland's ESB buys NIE for £1.2bn,Published21 December 2010.
    I see the Government is going to make it mandotry for EV chargers to be fitted to all new builds houses. Most of the new builds now are social housing (even on todays news) Climate change: Wales set to build 20,000 low-carbon social Housing'.  Anyhow these timber two story houses with single brick skin on the outside look  terrible, and where I live due to timber shortage will now double the price of construction.
    I think the original heading of this thread is correct EV, as I sometimes used ev which usage by the old BSI was electron volt like this eV  (American usage e.v) Abbreviations should be written in lower case unless the term abbreviated is a proper noun. And look at our own silly abbreviation for IET the E now  like three fallen telegraph poles.
    I never seen how many cars as there is now no matter where you someone is following you and if the car behind turns off another car takes over so all these millions , billions of cars have to change to electric in the next few years, it must be a scare tactic to make you buy one now.
    This is only a frendly chat so carry on with the technical stuff,

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