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Lead acid batteries

Is there any limit to how long a lead acid battery can continuously supply a load, this is assuming that the capacity of the battery is capable of supplying the load for the period of whatever it may be.

  • That may depend on what sort of load you're talking about.

    If it's too high, the battery may melt.  A 60Ah battery is unlikely to manage 1000A for 3.6 minutes.

    If it's too low, then the self-discharge rate of the battery will be more important.  The same 60Ah battery isn't going to supply 10 microamps for 68 years.

  • That may depend on what sort of load you're talking about.

    If it's too high, the battery may melt.  A 60Ah battery is unlikely to manage 1000A for 3.6 minutes.

    If it's too low, then the self-discharge rate of the battery will be more important.  The same 60Ah battery isn't going to supply 10 microamps for 68 years.

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