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Is hydrogen gas an economic option??

Hydrogen Fuel could be a pipe dream??
Looking at the USA
From this it appears that the production processes all require large amounts of extra energy to produce the hydrogen and once formed then it needs to be compressed using yet more energy and finally we have a highly pressurised explosive gas. Economically, this makes little sense.

The only real way of storing hydrogen is to combine it with carbon into a hydrocarbon but what is necessary is to capture the carbon dioxide and secrete it somehow to slow global warming.

Would it be possible to bubble CO2 into the sea water where kelp in shallow dogger bank depth sea beds can absorb it or as it forms carbolic acid then combine it with calcium to form chalk? #energy #biomass #water #hydrogen

  • I don't see it being a mainstream fuel any time soon.  But there may be uses for it.  There are two common ways to make hydrogen:-

    • Extract it from fossil fuels, usually natural gas.  But the byproducts of this includes carbon dioxide.  This makes it pretty pointless as an eco-friendly fuel.  You might as well just burn the methane.
    • Extract it from water by electrolysis.  This requires lots of electricity, and the energy embodied in the hydrogen you produce is rather less than in the electricity you used to extract it.  This does still make sense of we go all-out for wind and solar electricity, as we will most likely have unwanted excess electricity whenever it's very sunny or windy.

    Carbon dioxide does dissolve in water, but not easily.  It forms carbonic acid.  If you make too much of that, you risk killing off all the shellfish in the area.  They rely on seawater being slightly alkaline, in order that they can grow their shells.

    There are a few ways to store hydrogen, other than by stuffing it into tanks.

  • I don't see it being a mainstream fuel any time soon.  But there may be uses for it.  There are two common ways to make hydrogen:-

    • Extract it from fossil fuels, usually natural gas.  But the byproducts of this includes carbon dioxide.  This makes it pretty pointless as an eco-friendly fuel.  You might as well just burn the methane.
    • Extract it from water by electrolysis.  This requires lots of electricity, and the energy embodied in the hydrogen you produce is rather less than in the electricity you used to extract it.  This does still make sense of we go all-out for wind and solar electricity, as we will most likely have unwanted excess electricity whenever it's very sunny or windy.

    Carbon dioxide does dissolve in water, but not easily.  It forms carbonic acid.  If you make too much of that, you risk killing off all the shellfish in the area.  They rely on seawater being slightly alkaline, in order that they can grow their shells.

    There are a few ways to store hydrogen, other than by stuffing it into tanks.

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