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Institute of Acoustics CPD?


Is anyone in the community using the IET Career Manager to record their CPD activities for the Institute of Acoustics?

  • Hi Kathryn,

    As I needed to update the last 3 years of CPD in one go, I ended up using the IOA format as it was much easier.

    I still have to take a view as to whether I continue with the IOA or IET format going forward, although I'll probably end up with the IOA format, as it is already compulsory to submit annual CPD logs to them to maintain membership.

  • Hi Kathryn,

    As I needed to update the last 3 years of CPD in one go, I ended up using the IOA format as it was much easier.

    I still have to take a view as to whether I continue with the IOA or IET format going forward, although I'll probably end up with the IOA format, as it is already compulsory to submit annual CPD logs to them to maintain membership.

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