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CPD - Planned v Unplanned

Out of curiousity, how much of your CPD is planned, and how much of it is unplanned?

I'm going through my second attempt at gaining CEng, and have been paying particular attention to my CPD Records for the last couple of years, and putting a Plan in place for the next year(s)

However, as a fairly senior engineer, I find it increasingly difficult to put together any form of meaningful plan, and this is reflected in my CPD of the past. Most "development" is now either reactive to business needs, or responsive to invitations to speak at conferences (etc).

I'm finding it difficult to define a plan for my CPD beyond "Achieve CEng" and "Achieve FIET"

  • Thank you for the engaged debate on this topic.  Let me try to position the context of our CPD policy in this area.  There is no single correct answer that works for all members.  All CPD has value whether it is planned or unplanned; the point is simply that for those who are professionally active, value is created by reflecting on a regular basis whether you have any knowledge or competence gaps that need to be filled.  If the answer is that you are absolutely on the top of your game in all respects - excellent, no more to be said.

    However for most of us there is often some element we can develop further and it serves a useful purpose to target some actions around that need. In the absence of anything specific, I personally find a standing objective to develop/maintain competence in each of the five UK-SPEC competence areas is a useful standing list.  As your career stage changes,the achieved ratio between planned and unplanned CPD may change, just as the ratio between the need for CPD in technical or soft/managerial skills may change.  The absolute ratio is unimportant, but the discipline that you regularly consider the need for planned CPD is key.

    Dick Bacon

    Manager, Professional Development

    The IET
  • Thank you for the engaged debate on this topic.  Let me try to position the context of our CPD policy in this area.  There is no single correct answer that works for all members.  All CPD has value whether it is planned or unplanned; the point is simply that for those who are professionally active, value is created by reflecting on a regular basis whether you have any knowledge or competence gaps that need to be filled.  If the answer is that you are absolutely on the top of your game in all respects - excellent, no more to be said.

    However for most of us there is often some element we can develop further and it serves a useful purpose to target some actions around that need. In the absence of anything specific, I personally find a standing objective to develop/maintain competence in each of the five UK-SPEC competence areas is a useful standing list.  As your career stage changes,the achieved ratio between planned and unplanned CPD may change, just as the ratio between the need for CPD in technical or soft/managerial skills may change.  The absolute ratio is unimportant, but the discipline that you regularly consider the need for planned CPD is key.

    Dick Bacon

    Manager, Professional Development

    The IET
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