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CPD - Planned v Unplanned

Out of curiousity, how much of your CPD is planned, and how much of it is unplanned?

I'm going through my second attempt at gaining CEng, and have been paying particular attention to my CPD Records for the last couple of years, and putting a Plan in place for the next year(s)

However, as a fairly senior engineer, I find it increasingly difficult to put together any form of meaningful plan, and this is reflected in my CPD of the past. Most "development" is now either reactive to business needs, or responsive to invitations to speak at conferences (etc).

I'm finding it difficult to define a plan for my CPD beyond "Achieve CEng" and "Achieve FIET"

  • @ Andrew George

    Good aftertoon Andrew,

    I am afraid the information relayed to you is inaccurate.

    The IET criteria for CEng is as described in UK-SPEC in that Chartered Engineers develop solutions to engineering problems using new or existing technologues, through innovation, creativity and change and/or they may have technical accountability for complex systems with significant levels of risk.

    Post Interview and on receiving a letter from the IET the reasons as to why you were unsuccesful should have been described to you and a PRA allocated to support you in any subsequent application.

    Please feel free to send me a direct message as I would be happy to investigate this further.

  • @ Andrew George

    Good aftertoon Andrew,

    I am afraid the information relayed to you is inaccurate.

    The IET criteria for CEng is as described in UK-SPEC in that Chartered Engineers develop solutions to engineering problems using new or existing technologues, through innovation, creativity and change and/or they may have technical accountability for complex systems with significant levels of risk.

    Post Interview and on receiving a letter from the IET the reasons as to why you were unsuccesful should have been described to you and a PRA allocated to support you in any subsequent application.

    Please feel free to send me a direct message as I would be happy to investigate this further.

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