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New Year, New Skills?

What are you planning on learning in the year ahead? Do you have any significant plans, or are you more of an emergent learner (learning on the job as things come along)?

If you're seeking CPD or Professional Development opportunities, but are not sure where to start then this is the place to ask - we have over 1500 members so I'm sure someone can recommend a book, a course, or a way ahead to develop the skills you want for 2018 and beyond.
  • I have office 365 running on a old netbook with windows 10 and an old Apple ipad. Both I use extensively for word smithing. Office 365 will be making it to the corporate office network in the not to distant future. So it won't be such a shock when it does arrive.
  • I have office 365 running on a old netbook with windows 10 and an old Apple ipad. Both I use extensively for word smithing. Office 365 will be making it to the corporate office network in the not to distant future. So it won't be such a shock when it does arrive.
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