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Welcome and Introduce Yourself

Welcome to the Internet of Things (IoT) network discussion page on Engineering Communities!
This is a thread to introduce yourself to your fellow network members. We’d love to hear more about you so here are a few questions to start you off:

Brief career history:
What interests you about IoT:
Other interests:

  • Alex Barrett‍ the difference between LN and TPN's is best described as the below (from this page)


    Local Networks - Based on a geographic area, IET Local Networks have a presence around the world from California to Japan and many areas in between.

    Technical and Professional Networks - These networks produce high-level technical content, support the IET's knowledge portfolio and give members important networking opportunities.

    Both have budgets and committees and work in similar ways; the main difference is in the engineering scope of events.

    The IoT TPN do have some events in the pipeline (on various topics) so keep an eye on the Events page for more details during the year.
  • Alex Barrett‍ the difference between LN and TPN's is best described as the below (from this page)


    Local Networks - Based on a geographic area, IET Local Networks have a presence around the world from California to Japan and many areas in between.

    Technical and Professional Networks - These networks produce high-level technical content, support the IET's knowledge portfolio and give members important networking opportunities.

    Both have budgets and committees and work in similar ways; the main difference is in the engineering scope of events.

    The IoT TPN do have some events in the pipeline (on various topics) so keep an eye on the Events page for more details during the year.
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