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Welcome and Introduce Yourself

Welcome to the Internet of Things (IoT) network discussion page on Engineering Communities!
This is a thread to introduce yourself to your fellow network members. We’d love to hear more about you so here are a few questions to start you off:

Brief career history:
What interests you about IoT:
Other interests:

  • Mike, that's what I was hinting at too - given the current ascendancy of the "IoT" I think it warrants a TPN. I'm sure the crypto folk and the IoT folk can talk to each other, but I wouldn't want the IoT group to get snowed under with cryptography discussions.
  • Mike, that's what I was hinting at too - given the current ascendancy of the "IoT" I think it warrants a TPN. I'm sure the crypto folk and the IoT folk can talk to each other, but I wouldn't want the IoT group to get snowed under with cryptography discussions.
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