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Welcome and Introduce Yourself

Welcome to the Internet of Things (IoT) network discussion page on Engineering Communities!
This is a thread to introduce yourself to your fellow network members. We’d love to hear more about you so here are a few questions to start you off:

Brief career history:
What interests you about IoT:
Other interests:


  • Alex Barrett:

    Natalia - plainly I'm not making myself clear. It is the relationship between online communities and formal TPNs I'm not clear on. Is this group a defacto TPN?

    Alex Barrett‍ The online communities are desgined to be the online spce for the TPN's ie where they can share content from events and interact with the wider community. I hope that answers your question

    Mike McKean‍ The IoT TPN is not listed under the TPN's list yet - but it will be soon!


  • Alex Barrett:

    Natalia - plainly I'm not making myself clear. It is the relationship between online communities and formal TPNs I'm not clear on. Is this group a defacto TPN?

    Alex Barrett‍ The online communities are desgined to be the online spce for the TPN's ie where they can share content from events and interact with the wider community. I hope that answers your question

    Mike McKean‍ The IoT TPN is not listed under the TPN's list yet - but it will be soon!

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