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How do we connect members using Communities?

The progress on getting members to Communities seems stagnant. I am hoping all LN committees will take the lead to engage themselves using the Communities platforms.

Chris Chew
  • It is quite sad really having to force the members to access the RC. We know very well there are other platforms. 

    My view is that since we are promoting IET as THE Community and if members do not need them we are wasting our time and resources.

    I am hoping firstly to have volunteers to be connected and engaged. 

    Members will be ENCOURAGED to access EC when they can find useful information and discussions. 

    The current challenge is that we not as attractive and user friendly as other social media platforms.

    If we can create some of the attractions like easy to locate the information we need from IET, group activities linked to EC and more attractive contents then we are the community that will be visited by members and others.

    If volunteers do not see the need for ECs we are still a long way off in achieving our mission.

    Chris Chew

  • It is quite sad really having to force the members to access the RC. We know very well there are other platforms. 

    My view is that since we are promoting IET as THE Community and if members do not need them we are wasting our time and resources.

    I am hoping firstly to have volunteers to be connected and engaged. 

    Members will be ENCOURAGED to access EC when they can find useful information and discussions. 

    The current challenge is that we not as attractive and user friendly as other social media platforms.

    If we can create some of the attractions like easy to locate the information we need from IET, group activities linked to EC and more attractive contents then we are the community that will be visited by members and others.

    If volunteers do not see the need for ECs we are still a long way off in achieving our mission.

    Chris Chew

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