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Quick Railway Quiz - for when you've got a few minutes to kill on a Friday....

Let's see how good your historical knowlege is.


#onthisday in 1923 what went into service and was the first train to run non-stop between London and Edinburgh?

Answer posted at 4.30pm, but I am hoping for lots of correct answers before that.
  • Thank you Maurice Poole‍ for your super quick reply.  

    Any other answers......or interesting facts you can add?
  • Maurice was correct with The Flying Scotsman.

    On 24 February 1923, the world famous steam train, the Flying Scotsman, went into service with London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), on the London (King's Cross) to Edinburgh route. It remaines in main line passenger service until 1963.

    Flying Scotsman

    Why is the Flying Scotsman Famous?

    The Flying Scotsman was the first engine to make the journey from London to Edinburgh non-stop and the first engine to reach 100mph.

    Let's see if anyone can get in first next time.