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Women More Susceptible to Smartphone addiction

Reading this article in E&T Magazine re Women being more susceptible to being addicted to smartphone use, and I wonder if that is purely because women are more likely to be using a phone i.e. to communicate with others (it's known that women are more comfortable than men when it comes to communication)?

I also think that their survey guinea pigs maybe a bit too 'specific' and can't be representative of all women everywhere...

What do you think though?
  • Thanks for posting. This is an interesting article, but it would be useful to have seen more statistics from the findings. It says women are "more likely" to be addicts, but as only 7% of people surveyed fell into this category, this is not an overwhelming number. It would be interesting to see the male figures to see if there was a statistically significant difference or if the men came out at 6.9% or something.

    I think you raise an interesting point about women using phones to communicate. It would be interesting to see how smartphone use was divided, eg. how much time was spent communicating (talking, texting, emailing, tweeting, social-media-posting/sharing/liking etc.) as opposed to time spent playing games, doing online shopping or using other apps etc. The article doesn't go into detail about how much time each user spent on his/her phone, and in what capacity, which may feed into whether someone feels that they are addicted. Eg. Many people have to use a phone for work purposes, which could mean that they are on it 8 hours a day, but may not feel addicted because it is a tool for work. Others may be on it for one hour a day, but feel like they miss it when they don't have it.
  • Thanks for posting. This is an interesting article, but it would be useful to have seen more statistics from the findings. It says women are "more likely" to be addicts, but as only 7% of people surveyed fell into this category, this is not an overwhelming number. It would be interesting to see the male figures to see if there was a statistically significant difference or if the men came out at 6.9% or something.

    I think you raise an interesting point about women using phones to communicate. It would be interesting to see how smartphone use was divided, eg. how much time was spent communicating (talking, texting, emailing, tweeting, social-media-posting/sharing/liking etc.) as opposed to time spent playing games, doing online shopping or using other apps etc. The article doesn't go into detail about how much time each user spent on his/her phone, and in what capacity, which may feed into whether someone feels that they are addicted. Eg. Many people have to use a phone for work purposes, which could mean that they are on it 8 hours a day, but may not feel addicted because it is a tool for work. Others may be on it for one hour a day, but feel like they miss it when they don't have it.
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