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Cyber attacks on democracy

We've heard a lot about alleged cyber attacks and interference in elections over the pas few months - the surprise outcome from the US elections, the French avoiding online voting for their current Presidential elections and now the NCSC being galvanised to avoid the upcoming UK general elections being compromised (see article above).

You can't help but think that this is only the start of the these type of attacks, but what can be done to prevent them?
And will we always have to cast a vote by visiting a polling station and casting our vote with paper and pencil (as we do in the UK)? Can we ever move to electronic voting whilst maintaining the integrity of our democratic systems?
  • We've been training in Norway for decades, but moving to Lithuania is political sabre rattling. Beside the point, which is that we wouldn't like it if they did it to us, we get excited enough about the odd surveillance plane over the North Sea. Ukraine had the potential to be a bridge between the Eastern Bloc & Europe, with the geographical position, and the split between ethnic German & Russian populations. Not good news for Uncle Sam, so it was fixed, much like many other nation states have been "fixed".
  • We've been training in Norway for decades, but moving to Lithuania is political sabre rattling. Beside the point, which is that we wouldn't like it if they did it to us, we get excited enough about the odd surveillance plane over the North Sea. Ukraine had the potential to be a bridge between the Eastern Bloc & Europe, with the geographical position, and the split between ethnic German & Russian populations. Not good news for Uncle Sam, so it was fixed, much like many other nation states have been "fixed".
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